Our way

Workgroup transformation

The working group´s reality just now is our starting point. We work with the groups meetings using the concept of Live Consulting:

  • assessing ongoing meetings
  • giving feedback,
  • proposing changes and
  • working with the group to integrate changes into their ongoing meetings.

By helping groups use all the resources they have we help groups achieve their  potential to shift from where they are to where they want to be. The types of changes might be in how members communicate with one-another when they are discussing problems, or clarifying roles and behaviours that are functional, or clarifying expectations and goals that have not been addressed.

More about the concept of Live Consulting (PDF, 154 kB, opens in new tab)


Our workshops welcome participants from different organisations and work groups. We mix short theory sessions with experiential training based on the participants’ own experiences and needs.

Participants assess their own  challenges in their own workgroups using a specially designed material which clarifies how to solve problems, inform, discuss and work together.

Different scenarios are identified based on participant input. Alternative strategies are introduced and evaluated to reach work groups goals more effectively.